It is very painful and annoying for a seller whose Amazon seller account suspended. The seller faces a crisis of income and a lot of time gets wastage due to suspension. We understand the value of time and money which a seller faces suspension, Actually, Amazon is very strict for his rule and policy and it doesn’t compromise with the seller who violates any policy of Amazon. At the timing of joining you have agreed on some terms and conditions of Amazon. You have to work accordingly with Amazon’s condition. Amazon rules and policy always favor the buyers that is why Amazon is one of the most trustworthy and growing online businesses throughout the world. The best thing about Amazon is that it gives an opportunity to reinstate a seller account, but the seller is required to follow some proper procedure of Amazon appeal, Here in this blog, I will tell you the proper way of Amazon seller account suspended appeal.
There are few steps you need to follow for Amazon seller account suspended appeal -
Know the reason why your Amazon seller account suspended Read the suspension letter know the reason for suspension. Most of the Amazon account gets suspended for the policy violation and selling of a fake product or not performing well. So you need to understand the reason of suspension very well.
Analyze your Ask Yourself 'How can you prevent this suspension in the future?' After knowing the reason for suspension, analyze yourself how can you avoid yourself from committing mistakes in the future. Think about the precaution you should take for committing a mistake. Amazon expects you to learn from the mistake. STEP- 3
Write Your Amazon Appeal and Plan of Action Knowing the reason for suspension you need to write an Amazon appeal letter and describe your plan for the future and ensure Amazon that you won't commit a mistake in the future and let Amazon know-how will you contribute to the growth of the business.
Send Your Amazon Suspended Appeal letter To Amazon Now it is time to submit your appeal letter to Amazon you can also send it by email. STEP-5
Wait for Amazon's response now you need to wait for response mostly Amazon response in two days if you don’t get any response from Amazon they contact the customer service of Amazon they will assist you in a better way. If your appeal is granted start selling again and if it rejected then you need to improve the appeal letter.
Following these 5 steps, you can reinstate your account easily. But it is better to be careful during selling products. You have to not go through the process of reinstatement. Some time the reinstatement process causes very disturbance to the seller. For reinstating your account in a very easy manner you can contact us.